Learn how to control your mind
How to control our thoughts? How to control our feeling and emotions? How to get full control over minds? Let us learn here.
The mind can be compared with a monkey.
How one can continence the mind?
So to control our mind take help from our mind. No other can help you.
Here is the method.
Step:1- Sit at a place in peace environment and let the mind go where it goes. It will definitely take you from one place to another, will bring many worst thoughts as you may have never think of, and maybe you became surprised. Have patience and patience. observe its nature and speed of change.
when you let your mind free then it can only go up to reach of information which we had gathered and stored in our memory. Until one does not observe its variable nature and can not control it.
Step:-2 Practice it daily. After playing with all the stored information which we had gathered with our five senses Mind will definitely come back and will say there is nothing to move out anymore.
Now, what should I do? Day by day you will realize that plays of mind are reducing from thousands to hundreds. finally, You will able to fully control the mind. But It has to be practiced daily with patience.
If it practiced for a few years then one can able to concentrate the mind on an object and feel that object. The object can be living or non-living. The object can be inside of the body or outside of the body.
Like all the discoveries and inventions are done in human history are done by the investment of concentration of mind. It the mind only which analysis deeply and comes out with results. Nothing comes from outside. Everything comes from inside.
When all the rays of light are concentrated to a point on a paper with a convex lens. Paper will start to burn. All the power of the mind is concentrated on any object, goal. then there is no power that can stop to achieve the goal. every object has to put out all his mystery.
Higher the investment of mind concentration in anything then definitely there will be more output.
How to be focused.Concentration mechanism explained here
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