स्वामी विवेकानंद के स्वप्नो का युवक ऐसा हो! Qualities of dream youth of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk. He was the chief disciple of great Indian mystic Ramakrishna Paramahansa. He was influenced was his guru, Ramakrishna, from whom he learned that all living was an embodiment for the divine self
Swami Vivekananda was so interested in spirituality from a young age and used to meditate before the images of Ram, Sita, Shiva, and Veer Hanuman.
He perhaps is best known for his speech starting with the words "Sisters and brothers of America.." given at the parliament of world religion in Chicago in 1983.
He once said "whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; if you think yourself strong, strong you will be".
His message was so powerful and positive. many great personalities of that time and today follows him. He conveys his messages to human, especially to youth.
What he said captures the great importance of his ideas and ideals among the youth in our country today. He personified the eternal energy of the youth and their restless quest for truth.
12th January, the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda is today observed as a National Youth Day to rekindle his great patriot and son of India.
If any youth follows only a few percent of messages of Swami Vivekananda in their life. they will definitely develop and found himself as an extraordinary human in today's world. If Indian youth follows him and be like as he said then there will be no external power who can stop India to develop.
स्वामी विवेकानंद के स्वप्नो का
युवक ऐसा हो!
मुखमण्डल तेजस्वी हो!
वाणी ओजस्वी हो!
शरीर मे शक्ति हो!
सद्बुद्धि और विवेक हो!
हृदय मे करुणा हो!
मातृभुमि पर प्रेम हो!
इंन्द्रियों पर संयम हो!
मन उसका स्थिर हो!
10. आत्मविश्वास दृढ़ हो!
11. इच्छा शक्ति प्रबल हो!
12. साहसी शूरवीर हो!
13. सिंह जैसा निर्भय हो!
14. लक्ष्य जिसका ऊचा हो!
15. सत्य जिसका ईश्वर हो!
16. व्यसनो से मुक्त हो!
17. जीवन मे अनुशासन हो!
18. मधुर प्रेमम्यी वाणी
19. सम्पूर्ण जगत कुटुम्ब
20. गुरुजनों पर सम्मान हो!
21. माता पिता पर श्रद्धा हो!
22. मानविय संवेदना हो!
23. दीन-दुखियों का मित्र
24. सेवा मे सदा तत्पर हो!
25. ईश्वर मे भक्ति हो!
26. अचल देशभक्ति हो!
जीवन पूर्ण नैतिक हो!
चरित्र जिसका शुद्ध हो!