The miracle-working power of your subconscious mind

        How our thoughts that we think every minute of life effect our social life, our living style, academics, fitness, everything we face.  So here are many similar questions like...

 How is one person sad and another one is happy?   why one person is joyous and prosperous and the other person is poor and miserable?  why some are fearful and anxious and others are full of faith and confidence?  why are some very beautiful, lives luxurious home and some lives in slums? Why some are geniuses in their work but some are not? 
To understand all of this we have to understand the miracle-working power of our subconscious mind. this miracle-working power of your subconscious mind can heal you of your sickness, making you vital and strong. 
In learning this power we understand this in points. these are 

1.  The duality of our mind.
2.  The way of understanding the conscious and subconscious mind.
3.  How our mind works.
4.  How to make my subconscious mind to work for me.

let's get started...

1. the duality of our mind.

we have only one mind but it posses two distinct and characteristic functional parts. each of the two functional parts essentially different from each other.

these two parts are called by many names. these include objective and subjective mind, the conscious and subconscious mind, the waking and sleeping mind, the voluntary and involuntary mind. we are using terms conscious and subconscious mind.

2. The way of understanding the conscious and subconscious mind.

the most wonderful way of understanding the functions of these is to think as a garden as conscious and you are the gardener as a conscious mind.

you are planting seeds of thoughts in your subconscious mind all day long. and imagine your subconscious mind as a  bed of rich soil that helping all kinds of seeds to sprout and flourish, whether the seeds are good or bad.

3. How our mind works.

 we understood the conscious and subconscious mind. Now think subconscious mind working body and conscious mind as a security guard at the gate .your subconscious mind works for you. The subconscious mind works according to data received. it doesn't know what is right or what is not.

it is the duty of the security guard at the gate, your conscious mind to check and allow only verified data and demands to the subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind accepts the idea, it starts to execute it.
after it impressions are made in the brain cells. and then it brings effect in the physical world.

the conscious mind that chooses. for example..  we choose books, home, a partner in life .and all other decisions.  on the other  hand, the subconscious mind without and conscious choice, works continuously like our heart work automatically,  vital function like digestion,  circulation, and breathing, etc. it does not argue. it accepts and starts working.

4. How to make my subconscious mind to work for me.



                               as we know our conscious mind is watchmen at the gate. all suggestions are given to us by others maybe some good or bad, so only allow only those suggestion to the subconscious mind which are good to us and discard all other from the gate.

     for example:-   
                         if one person says to others than "hey, you don't look so hot today. your face is dull! I am afraid you are too sick.
     now there are two possibilities of reaction.
     1.     The other person laughs on his joke and tells him to get lost. he has no effect on his suggestion given to him.

     2.      The other person believes in his suggestion and allows to the subconscious mind that he is sick and not looking good. Finally, the subconscious mind accepts it and make it real to him 


habitual thinking:-


               this is very important because what we are today is the effect of what we think in the past. then definitely our future situation will be based on what we think today. We understand this as habitual thinking makes continuous mark or groove on our subconscious mind which finally reflects in our real world.

 for example:-

                      if u don't like one of your classmates because he flirts with your girlfriend. so you start thinking every time that I will kill him but you never do.
                  One day both of you started fighting then this is the time your subconscious mind makes you kill him whether you want to kill him or not .after doing this you thinks I don't want this but I did it in anger.

make sure your habitual thinking thoughts are based on things that you love, true harmonious. because your subconscious mind is always expressing, reproducing, and manifesting according to our habitual thinking.

some ideas worth remembering.

  1. Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body and knows the answers to all the problems.
  2. Before sleep, request a specific request to your subconscious mind that you wanted to come true in your life.
  3. Whatever we impress on our subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space.
  4. Don't accept the bombardment of negative suggestions given by our nearby peoples. Some examples of negative suggestions:
  5. you can't.
    you must not.
    you will fail.
    you are wrong.
    you are too old now.
    you are not looking good.
    what's the use, nobody cares.

  6. You have to choose .choose health and happiness, cooperative, friendly, lovable.
  7. Don't believe in those things that harm you or hurt you.
  8. Ideas could be conveyed to the subconscious mind by repetition, faith, and expectancy.
  9. Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass.
  10. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.

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